Build Better Relationships With Dynamic Landing Pages

Launch new landing pages quickly and easily with the same level of dynamic personalization that your pop-ups have. High-performing designs for every campaign have never been easier, from lead capture to product launches and more.

Efficient Customization For Every Campaign

Justuno allows you to build highly customizable landing pages to fit every need. Quickly go live with dynamic content based on traffic source, user behavior, geo-location, and more. Then use workflows for an automatically segmented experience for your audiences. Improve efficiency while also improving the customer experience. 

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Test Your Page Designs

Make sure your landing pages are on point with A/B and multivariate testing tools to optimize website experience and page performance. Tweak elements like color, button copy, discounts/offers, creative, and more to create the ultimate page designs.

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Increase Profit Margins Through Strong Databases

Collect unlimited zero and first-party data from your landing pages to create stronger email/SMS lists from the point of opt-in. Use this data for segmentation and enhanced personalization later on for higher profit margins and customer lifetime values.

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An Essential Part of Your Marketing Strategy

  1. Campaign Specific Opt-Ins: Build landing pages targeting specific off-site campaigns to present relevant offers collecting more subscribers and maximizing ROI.
  2. Improved Efficiency: Create landing pages that can overlay an existing page or be embedded, with all the same functionality as traditional URL landing pages.
  3. Dynamic Content: Use UTM-targeting rules to personalize page content based on the referring campaign, medium, and term.
  4. Easy Integration: Pass data and subscribers throughout your MarTech stack and use our 2-way sync with Shopify to even view event data within your store dashboards for simplicity.
  5. Re-Targeting: Connect your email lists with ad platforms like Google and Facebook via Justuno’s Audience Sync for retargeting and building high-value seed audiences. 

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