Success Stories


High-Quality Customer Experience & 15X Conversion Increase

Ruti is a high-end fashion brand with boutiques across the country that found itself in need of a way to bridge the gap between online shopping and its brick-and-mortar locations when COVID first hit, creating a better connection with shoppers as they browsed their site. Ruti turned to Feel, who provides virtual sales experts that connect with consumers through an online showroom natively integrated into storefronts for a seamless personal shopping experience, and Justuno to help build awareness of this service and drive shoppers into the showroom.

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With Justuno, Ruti was able to implement several onsite pop-ups with embedded videos to draw attention and encourage shoppers to enter the showroom driving considerable growth across the board.





Increase in



Increase in Conversion Rate

with Pop-Up Engagement

How We Did It

Thoughtful Design and Clear CTAs for an Upscale Brand Experience

Feel and Justuno worked together to create a clear customer experience journey from the moment a visitor landed on the home page. Since Ruti is a high-end fashion brand with a clean aesthetic, they needed a pop-up design to match—by leveraging a short video embedded directly into the pop-up that appeared in the bottom corner of the screen, they could draw attention without detracting from the home-page experience.

Within the pop-up, shoppers are given the choice to either enter the showroom now or schedule a time for later, maximizing the possibility for engagement and putting shoppers in control. 

Once a shopper clicks through the pop-up, they’re taken directly into the Feel showroom experience, where Feel’s fashion stylists are waiting for them to answer any questions and help navigate the site. This is an incredible way to provide an ‘in-store like’ experience with the online convenience consumers expect—high-consideration verticals like luxury fashion brands need this ability to connect 1:1 with consumers, answering questions, providing advice, and helping them to differentiate themselves from the Amazon’s of the fashion world.

Using Feel’s showroom, Ruti has been able to convert 35% of shoppers who enter the showroom into customers, compared to the average 1-3% conversion rate of most e-commerce sites. This massive increase is a testament to the power that harnessing human connection can have when it comes to high-consideration items and, ultimately, providing value that consumers are looking for in the e-commerce world.

In addition to improved conversion KPIs like a 78% increase in AOV and in-cart items, Ruti has also improved customer satisfaction and retention through an 80% decrease in return likelihood due to increased confidence and better buying choices.

Leveraging Email to Fill the Funnel

Ruti promotes its showroom through a variety of other channels as well, including directly on product pages via a CTA, through Klaviyo emails, and more. They also create automations in Klaviyo to win back and reactivate shoppers who left a full shopping cart and advise them to return to the site and join the showroom experience.

Justuno + Feel

Justuno is focused on helping brands create the ultimate personalized onsite experience, and Feel is at the forefront of providing the next generation of interactive shopping experiences. Ruti is just one of several clients leveraging our platforms together to improve customer satisfaction, increase revenue, and differentiate brands from the competition.

Interested in seeing how our platforms work together?

Interested in seeing how our platforms work together? Start a free 14-day trial of Justuno to get started transforming your onsite experience, or book a demo with Feel to see how they can unlock a world of possibilities for connecting your brand to customers.

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