Success Stories

Pura Vida

How Total Control & Scalability Increased Conversions 164%

With complete control and scalability, Pura Vida saw email capture rates increase by more than 15% and sales conversions increase over 23% in one month’s time.

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Facing the complex problems of scaling a company, Pura Vida needed a reliable solution with powerful insights. Justuno’s Professional Services team guided the transition of all of Pura Vida’s marketing campaigns to ensure they didn’t miss a beat.


Email Capture Rate Increase


Conversion Increase

“Since moving to Justuno, we tripled our performance and have understood customer behavior during times of rapid growth!”

Griffin Thall, Co-Founder & CEO of Pura Vida Bracelets

Total Control & Scalability

Facing the complex problems that come with growth, Pura Vida needed a reliable solution with powerful insights.

After moving to Justuno, one of Pura Vida’s biggest pain points was solved from the start: data transparency. With Justuno, he had full access to his brand’s performance reports, including highlevel metrics on acquisitions, clicks, conversions, and more.

Justuno’s Professional Services team transitioned all of Pura Vida’s marketing campaigns to ensure they didn’t miss a beat.

Immediate Results

With complete control and scalability, Pura Vida saw email capture rates increase by more than 15% and sales conversions increase over 23% in one month’s time.

“Before, when a customer came to our site and left, they wouldn’t see the pop up offer again or wouldn’t see it for 30 days,’’ Thall says. “Justuno gives us the ability to be flexible and set more aggressive rules for triggering messages.’’

With a clear ROI and scalability for growth, Pura Vida’s yearly subscription with Justuno paid for itself in less than a month!

The Perfect Recipe

Pura Vida manages their ecommerce operations around Shopify Plus. Integrating Shopify Plus with Justuno is almost effortless, or as Thall described, “It just connects. The integration was a breeze!”

With Shopify Plus as the ecommerce foundation, Thall builds his marketing dream team with other best-in-class technologies that easily integrate with Justuno: Oracle Bronto and Bluecore.

Justuno agency partner, Email Aptitude (which was acquired by Elite SEM in May 2018), manages Pura Vida’s email marketing strategy, leveraging Oracle Bronto for marketing emails (ESP) and Bluecore for triggered and behavioral emails.

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Ready to take the next step for your business?

Grow your lists and drive more sales by setting up automations that trigger personalized messaging based on website behavior with our workflow builder.

  • Start optimizing onsite experiences today with access to designer templates and 80+ advanced targeting rules
  • Our customers see a 135% increase in revenue during the first year, see what Justuno can do for you!
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  • Our team will help you find the plan that fits your business goals and get you started on your CRO journey.
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